Together, we can protect water and nature.


Together, we can protect water and nature.

Let’s save water together

Our region’s precious water resources are under increasing pressure from climate change and population growth. To keep our rivers, streams, wildlife, and future water supplies thriving, we need to work together to make better use of the water we already have.

Currently, residents in our area use more water than most at around 154 litres per person daily. That’s more than the national average of 139 litres and more than our neighbours in Sussex and Hampshire who use 127 litres on average. By saving up to 44 litres daily –about half a bathful– we can aim for a more sustainable 110 litres per person over the next 25 years.

We need to work together to preserve our region’s unique ecosystems and protect the surrounding biodiversity. By acting now, we can maintain an affordable, reliable, and sustainable supply of high-quality water for everyone in our communities, today and in the future.

What we’re doing to secure safe, reliable drinking water
for the future

Explore our plans to secure our water’s future, improve our natural environment and make the most of our region’s precious water sources.