Portsmouth Water has been supplying high-quality, reliable, affordable water to our customers in West Sussex and Hampshire for more than 160 years.

Our business plan for 2025-30 has been submitted to Ofwat, the water industry regulator. We created this plan with your input and it sets out the details of how we plan to consistently deliver high levels of service, the lowest bills in the industry and maintaining our customers’ trust to do so.

It’s our responsibility to plan, invest wisely and evolve to make sure we can continue to meet and exceed these high standards in a changing and very challenging landscape.

Our purpose is to deliver ‘Excellence in Water. Always’. This is what our plan will deliver tomorrow and in the long term. At the heart of our plan is the evolution of our network to a fully smart platform and the installation of smart meters for nearly all our customers by 2035, supported by reliable assets and processes, all managed, operated and maintained by a skilled workforce. Select any of the documents to read more about the aspects of how we plan to achieve this.

Please feel free to use our Document Navigation Guide, as this details the structure of our Business Plan.


PRT03: Engaging and Understanding Our Customers and Communities

Please see 'Customer Insight Documents' section

PRT04: Delivering for Our Customers and Communities

PRT04.01 - Optopia Carbon Report

PRT05: Delivering Outcomes for Our Customers

PRT05.01 - Artesia Review of PCC

PRT07: Our Investment Plan 2023-2030

PRT07.01 - Security Resilience and eCAF Compliance at Operational Sites

PRT07.02 - Raw Water Resilience Enhancements (Disinfection)

PRT07.03 - Raw Water Deterioration and Drought Capacity Enhancements

PRT07.04 - The Isolation and Recovery of Service Reservoirs

PRT07.05 - WINEP and Protecting the Environment

PRT07.06 Reducing Customer Side Demand (Universal Smart Metering)

PRT07.07 Lead Strategy Implementation

PRT09: Securing Value for Money

PRT09.01 Frontier Economics - High-level forecasts of Portsmouth PR24 allowances

PRT10: Innovation to Enhance Our Service Delivery

PRT10.02 PW Innovation Framework Draft V11

PRT10.03 UK-2050-Water-Innovation-Strategy

PRT13: Aligning Risk and Return

PRT13.01 Credit_Opinion-Portsmouth-Water-Limited-10Mar2023-PBC_1353763 (005)

PRT13.02 Havant Thicket Reservoir Allowed Cost of Capital (First Economics Report)

PRT13.03 Cost of Capital for Havant Thicket (NERA Economic Consulting)

PRT13.04 Financeability and Financial Resilience Centrus Assurance

PRT15: Board Assurance

PRT15.02 - SIA report

PRT15.03 - Jacobs assurance report

PRT15.04 - Jacobs Documents assurance report

PRT15.05 - Jacobs Data Tables assurance report

PRT15.06 - KPMG Data Tables assurance report - This document is available on request

PRT17: Water Resource Management Plan

PRT17.01 Portsmouth Water WRMP24Tables_v7

PRT17.02 Portsmouth Water dWRMP24 Statement of Response.

Customer Insight Documents
PRT03.67 Affordability and Acceptability Testing - Quantitative Report
PRT03.75 Summary of Engagement Triangulation

Please download our pack of Customer Engagement (74,337KB) to view the rest of our evidenced Customer Insight.

Below you will see a list of the documents you will find in this .zip file. These are referenced in PRT03 Engaging and Understanding Our Customers and Communities of our Business Plan:

PRT03.01 PR19 Customer Engagement and Triangulation

PRT03.02 Deliberative Qualitative Research

PRT03.03 22a. Foundational Customer Research

PRT03.04 Stakeholder Business Plan Priorities

PRT03.05 25a. Stimulus

PRT03.06 25b. Discussion Guide

PRT03.07 25c. Research Reading Materials

PRT03.08 Barometer Panel - Wave 1

PRT03.09 26a. Questionnaire

PRT03.10 Customer Priorities

PRT03.11 Supporting Vulnerable Customers

PRT03.12 Barometer Panel - Wave 2

PRT03.13 39a. Questionnaire

PRT03.14 Customer Advisory Panel - Wave 1

PRT03.15 40a. Stimulus

PRT03.16 40b. HH Discussion Guide

PRT03.17 40c. NHH Discussion Guide

PRT03.18 Vulnerable Customer

PRT03.19 46b. Discussion Guide

PRT03.20 Barometer Panel - Wave 3

PRT03.21 57a. Questionnaire

PRT03.22 Cross Subsidy Research

PRT03.23 58a. Questionnaire

PRT03.24 Future Customers Panel

PRT03.25 60a. Day 1 Presentation

PRT03.26 60b. Day 2 Presentation

PRT03.27 60c. Stimulus

PRT03.28 60d. Discussion Guide Day 1

PRT03.29 60e. Discussion Guide Day 2

PRT03.30 Customer Advisory Panel - Wave 2

PRT03.31 61a. Stimulus

PRT03.32 61b. NHH Discussion Guide

PRT03.33 Barometer Panel - Wave 4

PRT03.34 63a. Questionnaire

PRT03.36 64a. HH Stimulus

PRT03.37 64b. NHH Stimulus

PRT03.35 Customer Advisory Panel - Wave 3

PRT03.39 67a. Stimulus

PRT03.40 67b. Discussion Guide

PRT03.38 Future Customers Panel - Plan Choices

PRT03.39 67a. Stimulus

PRT03.40 67b. Discussion Guide

PRT03.41 Customer Advisory Panel - Wave 4

PRT03.42 68a. Discussion Guide

PRT03.43 68b. Stimulus

PRT03.44 Plan Choices - NHH Customers

PRT03.45 69a. Stimulus

PRT03.46 69b. NHH Discussion Guide

PRT03.47 69c. Developers Discussion Guide

PRT03.48 Plan Choices - Full Triangulation

PRT03.49 70a. Survey

PRT03.50 Affordability and Acceptability Testing - Qualitative Report

PRT03.51 71a. Deliberative Moderator Guide

PRT03.52 71b. Online NHH Discussion Guide

PRT03.53 71c. Health and Vulnerable Discussion Guide

PRT03.54 71d. HH Stimulus

PRT03.55 71.e HH Pre Read inc. Recording

PRT03.56 71f. NHH Depth Stimulus

PRT03.57 71g. NHH Pre Read

PRT03.58 71h. Vulnerable Pre Read

PRT03.59 71i. Vulnerable Depth Stimulus

PRT03.60 Smart Meter Hyper Care

PRT03.61 73a. Discussion Guide

PRT03.62 73b. Stimulus

PRT03.63 Hard to Reach Customers

PRT03.64 74a. Discussion Guide

PRT03.65 74b. Stimulus


PRT03.68 76a. Survey Questionnaire

PRT03.69 Customer Advisory Panel - Wave 5 and Customer Barometer Panel - Wave 6

PRT03.70 77a. Discussion Guide

PRT03.71 77b. Stimulus CAP

PRT03.72 77c. Barometer Questionnaire

PRT03.73 77d. Stimulus Barometer

PRT03.74 77e. Student Barometer Questionnaire

PRT03.76 78a. Synthesis and Triangulation Report 1

PRT03.77 78b. Synthesis and Triangulation Report 2

PRT03.78 78c. Synthesis and Triangulation Report 3

PRT03.79 78d. Synthesis and Triangulation Report 4

PRT03.80 78e. Synthesis and Triangulation Report 5

PRT03.81 78f. Synthesis and Triangulation Report 6