Activity Reports

Activity Report 2012/13

Our Activity Report for the 2012/13 financial year incorporating two statutory documents, the 2009 Water Quality Report and the 2009 Conservation, Access and Recreation Report.

Once again it is pleasing to report on the continued high levels of service which our staff have provided to customers in the past year, there are one or two highlights which deserve a special mention:

  • In recent years that our efforts in respect of Health and Safety have been recognised externally through the RoSPA Health and Safety Award Scheme. This year we have received a Gold Medal, recognising the seventh consecutive year of Gold Award standard for the health and safety initiatives and commitments of the management and staff in all areas of our business.
  • In early 2012 the Department for Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) declared that a drought was affecting the South East Region following low rainfall for a second consecutive year. In early April seven water companies in the South East announced temporary hosepipe bans on non essential users of water. However our supply situation was sufficient to ensure that we did not have to impose restrictions on customers.
  • In May 2013 we published our Draft Water Resources Management Plan 2014 (Draft WRMP 2014) for consultation. The WRMP examines the factors which will impact upon the demand for water from customers such as population change and climate change and calculates whether the Company will have sufficient water resources over the next 25 years to meet demand.

We do hope that you will find the Report of interest.

Please click above to view

Activity Report 2010/11

Our annual Activity Report, highlights some of the key activities that we have undertaken during the last year, including the launch of our Saving Water Campaign. The campaign incorporates three key initiatives:

Once again it is pleasing to report on the continued high levels of service which our staff have provided to customers in the past year, there are one or two highlights which deserve a special mention:

  • Providing free water saving appliances and simple water saving tips
  • Encouraging our customers to have a meter installed
  • Getting customers to use our interactive calculator and find out both how much water they use and where they can save water

We do hope that you will find the Report of interest.

Please click above to view

Activity Report 2009/10

A more detailed report outlining information about the following:

  • Levels of Customer Service as reported by OFWAT for the financial year.
  • Water Supply information for the year such as rainfall, groundwater levels, abstraction rates, leakage and burst mains.
  • Capital Works Improvements in progress during the year.
  • The annual report on conservation, recreation and access (as required by the Water Industry Act 1991).

Note that this is a very large file to download but the paper version of the document is available from our head office.

Please click above to view

Activity Report 2008/09

A more detailed report outlining information about the following:

  • Levels of Customer Service as reported by OFWAT for the financial year.
  • Water Supply information for the year such as rainfall, groundwater levels, abstraction rates, leakage and burst mains.
  • Capital Works Improvements in progress during the year.
  • The annual report on conservation, recreation and access (as required by the Water Industry Act 1991).

We do hope that you will find the Report of interest.

Please click above to view

Activity Report 2007/08

A more detailed report outlining information about the following:

  • Levels of Customer Service as reported by OFWAT for the financial year.
  • Water Supply information for the year such as rainfall, groundwater levels, abstraction rates, leakage and burst mains.
  • Capital Works Improvements in progress during the year.
  • The annual report on conservation, recreation and access (as required by the Water Industry Act 1991).

We do hope that you will find the Report of interest.

Please click above to view