Refund Policy

Portsmouth Water refund policy

Your Portsmouth Water account may be in credit for a number of reasons

  • You’ve moved address
  • You’ve been placed on a different tariff, such as our social tariff.
  • You’ve had a meter installed
  • You are building a credit to cover your next bill
  • Your measured bill has been underestimated
  • Your fixed Direct Debit payments are more than your current water use

If you are billed on a meter, before requesting a refund check your most recent bill to see if the credit balance on your bill is based on an actual or estimated meter reading. If your bill is based on an estimated reading, the credit balance may not be right.

Asking for a refund

If you wish for the credit balance on your account to be refunded you can contact us via the methods below to request this.

We will check your account to make sure:

  • The credit value is correct
  • There are no other accounts you are responsible for with an outstanding balance
  • If a new bill will be due in the next 2 months.
  • If you pay by Direct Debit, whether the payment amounts need to be altered

Once we have checked your account a refund can made via a BACs payment, cheque or back to the debt/credit card the payment was made on.  You will receive the refund 7 to 10 working days following your request.