This is the 8 digit number that appears on your water bill. If you do not have it right now, don’t worry, you can still register with us
This password will be used every time we visit your home.
The information you have provided about yourself, or about someone else on their behalf, will be used to make sure the right service and/or support is provided. We will record the information selected on the relevant account and keep it for as long as you want us to. We will contact you from time to time to ensure we are providing the right level of support and to see if you require any additional assistance. This data will be shared with third parties to ensure they can arrange similar services and/or support.
We do retain personal data that you provide to us. For more information on how we process your data and for details on how to opt out of non-essential messages, please see our Privacy Notice
Thank you for your time in completing this form, it will help us provide the best service possible for you.
Please allow 10 working days for us to process your application.