If you have difficulties paying, please don't delay in contacting us.
We can agree a repayment amount that is affordable for you. To help you calculate a level of repayment that you can realistically afford we have developed a budget planner, which can be downloaded by clicking here. Arrangements can be made for payments to be received direct from your benefits or special instalment plans can be set up. Contact us if you would like to discuss these options. Click here for our contact details. We also have some schemes that may help you clear your debt quicker, or reduce your annual bill amount. There is more detail about these schemes below.
You may also want to check you are receiving all the help you are entitled to. The Consumer Council for Water have worked with Turn2us to ensure customers can gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services. Click here to check you are receiving the help you should be.
If you have arrears on your account of £300.00 or more and have not been making regular payments to your account then it may be possible for you to apply for help under our Arrears Assist Scheme.
If you wish to apply for help under this scheme please complete the application form below and email to [email protected]. If you are unable to complete the form online please print off a copy and return to Portsmouth Water Ltd, PO Box 8, West Street, Havant, PO9 1YY.
If you require any help in completing the application then please contact our Affordability and Debt Team on 0800 4320534 and one of our advisors will be happy to help.
Arrears Assist Scheme Application FormHelping hand is a new tariff for customers who have a low income or are in receipt of certain benefits. If your application is successful your water bill will be capped at our minimum charge for the year. To qualify for the Social Tariff you must have a household income of less than the Government’s low income threshold, excluding the following benefits:
- Child Tax Credit
- Pension Credit
- Personal Independence Payment
- Mortgage Interest Relief
- Attendance Allowance
- Housing / Council Tax Benefit
- Disability Living Allowance
WaterSure is a capped tariff for customers who have a water meter and meet the necessary requirements.

You may be able to reduce your water bills by having a meter installed. This would mean you pay for the amount of water you use, plus standing charges. For more information about metering, and whether you would save money please see here
The Company is committed to helping our customers who are vulnerable either in the long or short term. Our Policy for dealing with customers at times of vulnerability is below. Our Customer Support Advisor, Rachel Dixon, works with local organisations such as Citizen Advice Bureau’s and Housing Associations and through them we promote our services and tariffs to our vulnerable customers.
If you are struggling to pay your bill, we are here to help. You can apply to have a payment holiday of up to 6 months where no payments need to be made within that period. We will offer customers one payment break in a 12 month period.
If you would like to apply for a payment break please click the button below and complete the form.
Require Debt Advice?
Should you need help in managing your money and require debt advice, there are a number of organisations who can help you for free. Links to some organisations are given below:
StepChange (CCCS) | Free debt advice | Debt management help
National Debtline England & Wales, for FREE CONFIDENTIAL and INDEPENDENT ADVICE call 0808 808 4000
Citizens Advice - the charity for your community
Code of Practice for Customers in Debt
Our code of practice explains how we can help and what will happen if you fail to pay
Our Code of Practice for Customer in Debt is available here