In this section you will find information on the waste water, Code of Practices, compulsory metering and void property management.
Click on a title below to read more information on each section
Portsmouth Water provides your drinking water and you will be billed separately for sewerage by your waste water provider, normally Southern Water Services Limited. Queries and complaints concerning sewerage services should also be addressed to your provider.
Southern Water
Southern Water is an entirely separate Company to Portsmouth Water and can be contacted on 0845 2720845.
For further information on Southern Water's services please click here to visit their website
Albion Water
Albion Water provides sewerage services for the majority of customers in Knowle Village, Fareham.
Albion Water can be contacted on 03300 242020 or via email at
This Code of Practice informs you of the main services we provide, our commitment to our domestic customers and tells you where and how to get advice and help. This code makes up a suite of codes comprising of Customer, Leakage and Debt Recovery codes, all of which are approved and regularly reviewed by Ofwat.
To view our Code of Practice for Domestic Customers click here
Our code of practice for Customers in Debt explains how we can help and what will happen if you fail to pay.
To view our Code of Practice for customers in debt click here.
Some types of apparatus use large quantities of water, for example a sprinkler can use as much water in one hour as a family of four uses for domestic purposes in two days. There is concern about how much water is taken from underground sources and rivers, and compulsory meters can help us to preserve the balance between the growing demand for water and the environment.
We view the efficient use of water as a partnership between ourselves and our customers and so we have decided upon a policy of metering in the following circumstances.
- Where garden watering is undertaken other than by hand.
- Where the property has an automatically replenished swimming pool.
- For a double bath - that is a bath with a capacity of over 230 litres/50 gallons.
- Where a Reverse Osmosis type water softener system is fitted.
- For a power shower (Pumped and Multihead variety).
The Company may choose to meter properties that are empty or where there is a change of occupier.
Meters are installed free for domestic customers, subject to a satisfactory survey. Please click here to complete a Water Meter Application.
Where single premises are unoccupied for more than six months and you request in advance that the supply be turned off at the Company's controlling stop valve (if available), no further water supply charge will be payable until the supply is reconnected for which there is no charge.
Please note, Portsmouth Water may choose to meter properties that are empty.