The Office of Water Services (OFWAT), the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), and the Environment Agency (EA) regulate Portsmouth Water's activities, and links are provided to their websites.
WaterAid is a charity committed to improving water supplies and sanitation in the developing world and is the charity supported by the Company and the whole water industry.
Other organisations such as Trade Associations, Research and Advisory organisations are also provided with links.

WaterAid –
Every day over 1 billion people take their lives in their hands because of unsafe water and inadequate sanitation. To help make a difference to these people the Water Industry set up the WaterAid charity in 1981.
The Charity Vision and Mission
WaterAid's vision is of a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation, with a mission to overcome poverty by enabling the world’s poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education.
Click here for a report on WaterAid and children
What does Water Aid do
WaterAid enables the world’s poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education. These basic human rights underpin health, education and livelihoods and form the first, essential step in overcoming poverty.
WaterAid works with local partners, who understand local issues, and provide them with the skills and support to help communities set up and manage practical and sustainable projects that meet their real needs.
WaterAid campaigns locally and internationally to change policy and practice and ensure water and sanitation’s vital role in reducing poverty is recognised. WaterAid were important voices in the end poverty campaign.
Realising the vision
WaterAid are committed to addressing the vital need for safe water and sanitation head on. They aim to increase impact both directly on the ground through partner organisations, and indirectly by influencing others and promoting best practice in the field.
Above all they aim to be honest, accountable, effective, innovative and flexible. As a learning organisation, WaterAid are constantly evolving. An emphasis on research, analysis, evaluation and dissemination is vital to the charity’s future.
WaterAid ethos is that it is only when all parties work together that there shared vision of a world in which everyone has access to safe water and sanitation can become reality
What have we done – Customers and Employees
Over the last 25 years donations to WaterAid received from our customers along with the fundraising efforts of our employees have reached a staggering £250,000.
The average cost per person of supplying a safe water supply to a village, combined with sanitation and hygiene education is only £15. This £15 transforms the standard of life and living in the communities in such a way to give them the best chance of lifting themselves out of extremes of poverty and disease. £250,000 has really made a difference.
More information and how to donate
For more information about WaterAid and how the money donated by you is used visit their website on
Please help to continue make a difference by continuing to support WaterAid either by using the customer appeal leaflet, which is enclosed with your water bill or by sending a donation to: Portsmouth Water c/o WaterAid Donation, PO Box 8, West Street, Havant, Hants PO9 1LG.
There is no administrative charge by us will all donations received passed straight to WaterAid
Remember £15 for each of these individuals can make a difference between life and death!

The Office of Water Services through its Director General has two prime responsibilities in ensuring that the water undertakers can fund and carry out their primary functions of water supply and disposal, whilst looking after customer's interests by controlling increases in charges and monitoring levels of service.
Customers are represented by the Consumer Council for Water. They have their own legal duties which include identifying the main concerns of water customers, making representations to the companies and investigating complaints.
The local Consumer Council for Water for Portsmouth Water's customers is:
Consumer Council for Water
London and South East Region
4th Floor (South)
High Holborn House
52-54 High Holborn
Phone: 020 7831 4790
e-mail: [email protected]
The Ofwat National Customer Council, whose membership brings together the ten regional CSC Chairmen, represents customer interests at a national level.
Further information about Ofwat can be found at
The Consumer Council for Water was set up in 2005 to provide a strong voice for water and sewerage consumers in England and Wales. With offices across these countries, we keep in close contact with companies that provide these services as well as the consumers themselves.
General enquiries:
Tel: 0207 931 8502
If you are hard of hearing you can contact us by minicom on 0121 345 1044.
E-mail: [email protected]

The Drinking Water Inspectorate checks that the water companies in England and Wales supply water that is safe to drink and meets the standards set in the Water Quality Regulation. It investigates complaints from consumers and incidents which affect drinking water quality - these can lead to water companies being prosecuted.
For further information you can contact the DWI at:
Room M03
55, Whitehall
Telephone: 020 7082 8024
Fax: 020 7082 8028
e-mail: [email protected]
The Environment Agency is the independent watchdog which regulates the qualitative and quantitative use of water resources.
For further information on the EA you can contact their regional office at:
Guildbourne House
Chatsworth Road
West Sussex, BN1 1LD
Telephone: 01903 832 000
Fax: 01903 821 832

United Kingdom Water Industry Research is an organisation set up by the UK water industry to provide a common research framework on shared issues enabling companies to work more efficiently and competitively.
For further information you can contact UKWIR at:
UK Water Industry Research Limited
1 Queen Anne's Gate
Tel: +44(0)20 7344 1807
Fax: +44(0)20 7344 1859
E-mail: [email protected]

Water UK represents all UK water suppliers and waste water operators at a national and European level. They provide a positive framework for the water industry to engage with government, regulators, stakeholder organisations and the public and seek to develop policy and improve understanding in areas that involve the industry, its customers and stakeholders.
For further information you can contact Water UK at:
Water for Wildlife is a unique partnership supporting wetland conservation across the UK. It aims to co-ordinate the wetland work of The Wildlife Trusts, working with water companies, the Environment Agency and other key partners, to provide a more consistent and targeted approach to wetland conservation.
For further information you can contact Water for Wildlife at:

Waterwise is an NGO dedicated to reducing water wastage. They work with the Government, Regulations, Industry Consumer Groups and other NGO's.
For further information you can contact Waterwise at:

Energy Saving Community was formed to offer a unique reference point on extensive advice on working as a community to save energy.
Everyone wants to save energy and working together as a community can be a great way to reduce everyone's fuel bills and energy use, but it's not always easy to know how best to go about it. To find out more please follow the link below.