Contact Us

How can we help?

Complete the relevant form to submit your request

You can also make changes in your online account, from updating your personal details, making a one-off payment, updating your Priority Services, or changing your communication preferences.

Tell us your moving home
Let us know if you're a new customer or moving within the Portsmouth Water area
Moving home
Change of name
Update the name registered on the account or add a new name
Change of name
Make a payment
Log in to your online account to make a payment
Make a payment
Submit a meter reading
Tell us the latest reading from your water meter
Submit a meter reading
Direct Debit Setup
Request to set up a direct debit mandate for easy payments
Direct debit setup
Register for Priority Services
Register for Portsmouth Water priority services
Register for Priority Services
Apply for payment holiday
Apply for a payment holiday of up to 6 months
Apply for a payment holiday
Report a leak
View and report issues or leaks in the water supply online or call our dedicated Leak Line on 0800 434 6104
Report a leak
We partner with Settld to provide a free online form to notify us of a death.
Bereavement notification

Contact us about something else

Customer Services opening hours Billing & account enquiries

Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm

Water supply, water quality enquiries and other enquiries

Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm

Email enquiries If you need to ask or tell us something else not covered in the forms on this web page, please complete this form
Billing & account enquiries

Water meter enquiries

023 9249 9666
Bereavement notification We have partnered with Settld to provide a free online form to notify us of the death. If you need to, you can also use Settld to inform all other organisations (from banks to social media providers), in one go.
24-hour emergency line 023 9247 7999
Water supply network enquiries 023 9249 9888 (leaks, new supplies, repairs, plumbing and water regulations)
24-hour Freephone Leak Line 0800 434 6104
General enquiries

Water quality enquiries (taste, smell, appearance)

023 9249 9888
Head Office address Po Box 99, West Street, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 1LG
How to find us Click here for a local map (Postcode For Sat Nav: PO9 1LD)

Contact form