RWG Alignment

Alignment to RWG Good Practice Guidance

The Retailer Wholesaler Group (RWG) is a MOSL trading party led group that covers operational terms and is made up from Retailers, Wholesalers, MOSL, CCW and Ofwat. The aim of the group is to promote and share good practice to improve customer service in the market.

The RWG have produced a number of ‘Good Practice Guides’. Further details of these Guides can be found on MOSL’s website here.

Please see the table below illustrating our current alignment to each good practice guide.

RWG Good Practice GuideAdoption StatusComments
Alignment of Wholesale Tariffs with Retail Price Control GroupsFully
Data LoggingFully
Disconnection for Non-PaymentFully
Emergency Contact DetailsFully
Fixed Meter ChargesPartial
Gap Site IncentiveFully
Leak AllowancesPartialAn adjustment is given if there is a fault with Company equipment
Meter Reading StandardsFully
Planned ActivitiesFully
Return to Sewer AllowancesN/A - WOC
Standard Skip Codes and ProcessesFully
Standardising Meter Location Free DescriptorFully
Unplanned EventsFully
Vacancy IncentiveNoWe are working with retailers to understand the true level of vacancy and therefore do not feel it is appropriate at this time to offer a vacancy incentive scheme
Wholesale ChargesPartialLooking to implement for 2025-26

We review our policies each year and will always ask for feedback from Retailers when making any changes.

If you would like to discuss our policies or suggest any improvements, please contact our Wholesale Services team at [email protected]