At Portsmouth Water we procure goods and services to achieve the most efficient use of our resources and ultimately best Value for Money. As such we source competitively, economically, ethically and efficiently in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements. Our sourcing activities comply with the requirements of the Utilities Contracts Regulations.
Portsmouth Water utilises the Achilles Utilities Vendor Database (UVDB) of suppliers when compiling lists of potential suppliers for its goods and services requirements. Also, where appropriate our tenders for supply are issued via Achilles UVDB.
All of our general Purchases are made by Purchase Order and are subject to our Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase and no other terms expressed or implied by others.
For our major capital contracts we issue a Standard Contract Tender document which incorporates Conditions of Contract for Water Industry Plant Contracts (Form G/90) published by the Water Services Association of England and Wales in October 1990 and may include additions, deletions, amendments and variations to suit individual contracts.
Click Here for Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Click Here for link for Conditions for Water Industry Plant Contracts form G/90