Press Release – Taking Action on Plastic

“The more you drink the better you think”

Portsmouth Water continue with water bottles scheme but aim to encourage single use of its “bottle for life” water bottle
For several years now we have offered every primary, infant and junior school in our area a drinking water bottle for each pupil at a subsidised rate. This is part of our community initiative to promote the health benefits to young children of drinking water, especially as the quality of tap water has never been better than it is now. The response has been overwhelming with over 500,000 water bottles delivered to our local schools.

This year, as part of our initiative to encourage single use plastic, we are encouraging all schools to order water bottles only for the new intake. The water bottles, whilst being 100% recyclable, are designed to be a “bottle for life” and we are encouraging children to continue to use the bottles they received last year.

To help encourage this, we are offering schools the chance to order new lids free of charge for the older water bottles.

Sue Allery, Portsmouth Water’s HR and Community Officer said “We all know that drinking water is good for a number of reasons such as hydration levels and anything we can do to support local children to lead a healthier lifestyle can only be a good thing. We have been overwhelmed with the response and support to our drinking water bottle initiative and are therefore delighted to continue with it in 2018 at the same subsidised rate of 30p per bottle. We really hope the schools can also join us in helping us reduce the amount of plastic we use by ordering bottles only for the new intake.”

We will be contacting every primary, infant and junior school in our area offering them the opportunity to again purchase drinking water bottles ready for the new school year in September.

For more information please contact Ian Limb on 02392 499888

For more information on the performance of the water industry please visit