Portsmouth Water Retains Industry Leader Position for Service to Customers

Portsmouth Water are delighted to announce that we have retained our position as determined by Ofwat, the industry economic regulator, as the industry leader in terms of Service to Customers.

The Service Incentive Mechanism (SIM) organised by Ofwat uses 4 independent Customer Experience Surveys which were taken during 2016/17. It surveys customers who have had contact with the business and divides the result between billing contacts and clear water contacts and gives an overall result. Ofwat then take the number of written complaints and unwanted calls into account to produce an overall SIM score.

SIM is recognised as the leading indicator of service to customers in the industry. Our overall SIM score of 88 out of 100 makes us the industry leader, with Wessex Water and Northumbrian Water closely behind us.

Neville Smith, Managing Director, on hearing the news said “This is testament to our team of dedicated employees who are firmly committed to our vision of delivering excellence and delivering the best service to our customers we can. This level of consistent service year on year combined with the lowest bills in England and Wales demonstrates the value for money we deliver for our customers”

For more information please contact Ian Limb on 02392 499888
For more information on the performance of the water industry please visit www.discoverwater.co.uk