Record Breaking Water Use

Record Breaking Water Use

Portsmouth water are asking everyone to keep water for essential use only for the duration of the this heatwave.

The current heatwave we are experiencing, combined with the Covid restrictions and people taking ‘staycations’, is resulting in a record breaking demand for water this week.

This demand is putting strain the system and threatens to leave some customers without water as pipes reach capacity and cannot physically allow enough water through them fast enough for everyone’s use.  So we are asking everyone to show some restraint and only to use water for essential purposes for the next few days, to ensure there is enough water to go around. We would ask people to put away their hosepipes and garden sprinklers and allow their grass to turn gold and their car to gather dust – for a couple of days, just until the heatwave has passed.

We are continuing to produce water 24/7 and our technicians are working around the clock to ensure houses and businesses have the essential water they need for cooking, cleaning and washing. With your help we can make sure everyone gets the water they need.