Sign up for Priority Services Register for free extra support when you need it.
Joining our confidential Priority Services Register helps us prioritise customers who need extra support when communicating with us or during any service disruption to the water supply. Being on the register means our employees know about any special circumstances or needs you may have..
The register covers needs that may be temporary, (such as after an operation or illness), or some may be longer term or chronic conditions. It also includes our elderly customers or those with children under 5. Our Priority Services Register is available to everyone that meets the list of eligibility criteria.
As a Portsmouth Water customer, you can quickly and easily add, remove or update your details via your online account. Alternatively, you can print off the paper form and send it to us.
Services that we offer
Talking bill service – When your bill is produced we will telephone you to tell you how much it is before we send it.
Nominee Service – If it helps you could nominate someone else for us to send your bill to (perhaps a relative or friend). Your nominee would not be liable for your bill but could let you know the amount and date of the payment(s) required and possibly send the payment for you. Should the bill remain unpaid, any reminders would also be sent to your nominee. Circumstances, like a stay in hospital may prevent you from paying your bill – we can also notify your nominee if a bill remains unpaid.
Large print bills – We can send your bill in large print if you have restricted sight.
Emergencies and Interruptions to Your Water Supply
Occasionally we have to interrupt water supplies to carry out planned repairs. We will warn you of these interruptions by delivering a card through your door. However, if you are blind, partially sighted or have difficulties reading English we can contact you by phone. If you have hearing difficulties we can contact a nominee to let them know when your supply is likely to be affected. Sometimes interruptions are caused by emergencies such as burst pipes. We cannot forewarn you of these, however we will let you know what the problem is, what action you should take and when normal supplies will be restored. If your water supply is interrupted for a long period of time and you are unable to collect water from a supply point we have arranged, we can deliver bottled water to your door.
At your request we can arrange a convenient time for a member of staff to visit your home. Our staff are trained to answer questions about your water supply, provide advice on water efficiency, assist you with queries about your bill and fill out application forms for our assistance tariffs.
You can have a personal password on your account that we will use every time we visit you, helping you to guard against bogus callers.
Portsmouth Water staff can be identified by their photographic identification card, which they should show whenever they visit.
If you’re unsure don’t open the door!! Call us on 023 9247799 to confirm it is us.
A clear visible ramp is available at our Head Office which leads straight into the reception area. Disabled toilet facilities are also available.
Car parking is available on site

Knock knock! Who's there? Be stranger aware!
The music-hall image of a man in a mask and striped jumper creeping around in the dark is a far cry from today’s burglar.
The modern day intruder is more likely to arrive in broad daylight and talk his way into your home by claiming he is from the Water Board or another utility company.
Before letting anyone into your home, we recommend you follow STOP, CHAIN, CHECK.
If you see anyone acting suspiciously contact the police on 999.
You can identify Portsmouth Water staff by their:

- Portsmouth Water photographic identification card
- Portsmouth Water uniform with kingfisher logo
- Portsmouth Water vehicle with kingfisher logo
If you are unsure please call us on 023 9247 7999.