It is easy to take our water supply for granted but if your home suffers a burst pipe this winter, you could be left with the situation of having no water along with the possibility of a hefty bill to repair any damage it may have caused.

To help customers prepare for the winter Portsmouth Water has produced a leaflet called ‘Wrap Up For Winter’ containing simple and practical advice to help customers protect their pipework this winter.

Bob Taylor, CEO at Portsmouth Water said “All pipework within the home boundary is the customer’s responsibility, so it really is worth protecting it properly to avoid any serious problems during cold weather. By following the practical advice contained in the leaflet, customers should be better prepared in case of another severe winter.”

To download a copy of the leaflet please visit the following page on our website –

For further information about getting ready for winter visit the met office website on The website has information designed to make sure people and their families are ready for the cold weather and the impact it can have. The website has plenty of practical information to help you survive the winter months including tips on winter motoring to finding out what benefits and allowances you can claim to meet heating costs along with useful links to many other organisations.